Extremely exclusive, hand crafted, available in every hue in the rainbow, there are simply no other handbags that can rival the Hermes Birkin and Kelly bags. These iconic and holy grail bags has many women seeking their very first Hermes.
But, where do you start? How do you actually purchase a Birkin or Kelly? What style, skin, and color should you choose? Is it better to try and find a brand new bag or a previously enjoyed bag? Those are just come of the common questions when making the step to purchase your first ever Birkin. To help you through this process, we have create a little guide to help answer the most common questions asked by first time buyers.
1: Where can I buy an Hermes bag?
How does one actually go about buying a Birkin or Kelly bag? Unfortunately, most women who want an Hermes bag go through the initial process of realizing that dream isn’t straightforward. Purchasing a Birkin or Kelly directly from a Hermes boutique isn’t as simple as wandering in, picking a bag off the shelf and paying for it at the cashier. Hermes has incredibly strict rules as to who is able to even buy one of their iconic bags. There are waiting lists that can stretch up to six year and getting on the waiting list is a struggle in it of itself. So, there is no guarantee that you will even be able to get on the coveted waiting list in the first place.
Instead, most women and first time buyers choose to go to auction house. The problem with auction houses is that many buyers end up paying a premium for their purchases and when you are already buying a premium handbag, that could get extremely pricey.
So it seems like that best option of buying an Hermes handbag is from a trusted consignment shop, which has become most commonly used by first time buyers and repeat customers, who can find both new and previously enjoyed Hermes bags for a set price. Utilizing the secondary market when making your first Hermes purchase is highly recommended and the safest way to go.
2: New or Previously Enjoyed?
So now that we have realized how difficult it actually is to get a bag directly from Hermes, sometimes the decision as to whether you should buy a new or previously enjoyed handbag is not an option. Hermes bags have recently become an investment purchase similar to gold and diamonds. Bags are listed at auction or on the secondary market in pristine condition and are basically like buying a brand new bag directly from Hermes, without all the waiting and hassle. Also, due to how unique Birkin’s and Kelly’s can be, like the limited edition colors, discontinued skins, and how they remain timeless in the world of fashion, previously enjoyed Hermes bags are a actually an option.
Here are just a few buying tips:
We have now figured out where to buy an Hermes bag and know the option between new and previously enjoyed bags, we can now drive into some of the more fun details. You want to make sure you get value, a good quality handbag, and one that matches your wardrobe! Here are some tips to help you do just that:
1: Condition
When buying a previously enjoyed bag, it is very important to look at the condition. Bags are usually rated as either pristine, excellent, very good, good, or fair depending on general wear and tear, scratches, leather and skin condition, and other factors. The condition of the bag will help determine the price.
2: Color
When buying such an iconic bag for the first time, many buyers will play it safe and pick colors that will match their whole wardrobe such as black, beige, gray, or brown. But one of the most amazing and unique facts about Hermes is their ability to make their handbags in every hue and shade of the rainbow. Purchasing a neutral colored bag may be easy to match with your wardrobe, but a bright orange or turquoise bag will stand out and will most likely hold its value for longer as it is less likely to be found everywhere.
3: Leather/Skin
When buying such a holy grail handbag, it is so important to know your leathers. Each leather that Hermes uses has its own unique characteristics and levels of maintenance. Leathers such as Clemence and Togo are textured to protect them from scratches and general wear and tear. Leathers such as Crocodile, Alligator and Ostrich are rewarding visually but much higher maintenance.
But with all that being said, first time buyers usually settle for the first bag that they see in their price range. Don’t settle for less than what you want when buying such as amazing and incredible bag! We at The Jewels of Beverly Hills can provide you with our personal shopping service to help you source your dream handbag as well as our consignment and upscale collateral loan abilities. Take a look at our collection today to see just how many handbags we have for you to choose from.